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Child Abuse Prevention


Child Abuse Prevention Starts With You…  Support:


  • Regulated child care

  • Programs for abused children and young adults

  • Crisis Centers

  • Life skills training for children and young adults

  • Self-help groups and other neighborhood supports

  • Family support services

  • Community Organizations

BVCS Abuse Prevention

Who Do you Trust With Your Child?

Arizona has seen an increase from 51 child maltreatment deaths in 2008 to 70 in 2010. That’s a startling 38% increase.


Tragically, many of these children died at the hands of unsafe caregivers. Sometimes parents don’t plan ahead or think it through. Other times they rush to trust someone who is untrustworthy.


An unsafe caregiver could be a boyfriend or girlfriend, a neighbor or even a relative.


Warning Signs of an Unsafe Caregiver

  • Has problems with anger generally or is severely impatient when children have tantrums, cry or misbehave

  • Is violent and/or controlling with their partner(s) or others

  • Abuses alcohol or other drugs, including marijuana

  • Uses prescription medications that have a bad side effect or make them drowsy

  • Is not trustworthy for any other reason – trust your instincts

  • Is already stressed

  • Your child is not happy to see the caregiver and has become anxious or withdrawn

  • Is not open and honest about what they did during the time with your child

  • The child has had multiple accidents that could have been avoided

  • Your requests are not followed by the caregiver

  • ​

For more information please visit this website:


Why Prevention And Family Support Are So Important

Child abuse and neglect is a serious problem in Arizona. In 2010 there were 33,669 reports of child abuse and neglect received by Child Protective Services (now known as Department of Child Safety). Working with families before inappropriate parenting practices begin is essential. Studies show that nationwide, at least 80% of all severe abuse incidents occur among children under age five. The first few years of life are a critical developmental period, and abuse or neglect during this time severely impacts normal development. The ACE Study (Adverse Childhood Experiences) presented by BVCS describes just how abuse and neglect can impact a young child’s life.


For more information visit this website:

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